Our ministries
Get involved
Church doesn’t just happen on Sunday… we have lots of other groups, events and ministries happening every day, and we’d love you to get involved. Feel free to fill out our online Connect Card here if you are interested in getting involved in any of our ministries.
Sunday services
At BCC we meet weekly on Sundays at the Rawene Centre for a Family Service.
Family Service – 10am
A relaxed, hour-long service that includes modern worship music, a talk and the opportunity to take communion. We meet after for morning tea and a chat.
Church online
You can watch church online every Sunday. The live stream starts at 9.55AM with the service starting at 10AM. This is a great way to stay connected even if you can’t make it to church in person. Check out our live stream link here.
Come along and see what Birkenhead Community Church is all about this Sunday.

Kidzchurch (ages 4.5-Y6)
Every Sunday morning in the school term, during our Family Service, our action-packed Kidzchurch is on for primary school aged kids. Along with games and lots of singing, kids enjoy a lesson from their enthusiastic teachers about stories from the bible.
If you’d like to know more about bringing your children to church, then please get in touch with us here.
While our Family Service is on we run a crèche for preschool children. Two leaders look after the kids in our fun crèche, which is full of fantastic toys, books and activities.
JAM Preschool Playgroup
On Tuesday mornings during term time, preschoolers and their carers come along for some singing, games and morning tea at 10-11.30am.
Recharge (Y7 & up) – Sundays during the service. Helping young people go deeper into scripture, developing intergenerational connections, and opening conversations at home.
NEWTH (Y9-13) – Tuesdays 7.15-9PM. An active youth bible study focused on deepening faith, alongside friendship!
Youth (Y7-13) – Fridays 7PM. An EPIC space for young people to deepen their faith and find community VIBES, food, connection, and Jesus all coming together for one awesome night a week!
If you’d like to know more about our Youth programs, get in touch with our Youth Pastor Alex here.
Alpha – The Alpha Course is an internationally renowned introduction to the Christian faith. We encourage every Christian to attend this course at least once in and challenge you to come along with an open mind if you are not sure what you believe! It is great fun and involves a lovely meal, a video presentation, a personal story of faith and the opportunity to ask all the big questions that are too intense for Sunday lunch with the inlaws! Please get in touch or follow us on Facebook so you don’t miss the next one.
Seniors Group – Our Seniors Group meets fortnightly on Wednesdays at the Rawene Centre to play games, socialise and have afternoon tea together. The group includes many from BCC and friends from the local community too.
Men’s & Women’s Ministries – BCC puts on irregular but frequent events for men or women which are some of the high points of church social calendar. The men have walked the Tongariro Crossing, eaten breakfasts together, fished for our community meals and gathered to watch movies and sports events over the last couple of years. The women have had events with a renowned singer/songwriter, heard testimonies, gone on conferences and much more. Come up with a good idea and we’re all ears! Follow us on Facebook so you don’t miss out…
Connect Groups – Here at BCC we believe being part of a Connect Group plays a key role in helping you grow spiritually and we encourage everyone to join one. We have a whole range of different groups to choose from and new ones are forming regularly. Please ask the person sitting next to you on Sunday about their group!
Alpha – an 8 or 9 week course that allows people to explore life, faith and meaning. Each session involves a meal, a talk and a time for discussion. For details of the next Alpha Course at BCC will be published here. More info on the Alpha website
Reaching Out
Pastoral Care Meals – We want to take care of our church family and one way we do that is by providing meals for people when in need. Whether they’ve just had a new baby or they’ve lost a close family member, a roster is organised and homemade meals can be delivered as needed.
Missions Team – A group meet regularly to discuss community, national and overseas missions and how we can be involved here at BCC. We also support some individuals on mission trips.
Food Bank – in partnership with Good Works Trust we run a food bank in which monthly donations are requested for specific needs within our community.
We currently support Missions partners serving with Ministries for Asia-Pacific (MAP), Bright Hope World, Tandem and Athletes in Action.